If you love the outdoors and want to experience nature up close and personal, then it’s time to go hiking! Hiking into wilderness areas is a wonderful way to get away from the daily hustle, bustle, and noise of the city and be surrounded by the awesome quiet and majesty of the wilderness, so load up your backpack and head for the hills with the intention of staying a few nights! Packing a backpack properly for an extended sojourn requires some skill to achieve the best results, here are some tips to fill your pack with the right stuff in the right order!
The Pack’s Bottom – Here is where we begin to apply our packing logic- first in, last out! The bottom of the pack is perfect for squishy, soft things that won’t be damaged by having other items placed on top of them. This just so happens to coincide with the order in which you are likely to need the things you have packed! The very bottom belongs to your sleeping bag, which you won’t need to see again until nightfall and bedtime rolls around! If you have a pillow, it goes in now, along with any nighttime clothes like your Macpac thermal wear jammies and wool socks. You can use items of clothing like socks and underwear to stuff into the corners to get the most out of your space! Next in goes the clothing you plan to wear tomorrow, and any other non-essential soft items you won’t need to access when you are walking the trail.
The Pack’s Middle – Here come the heavyweights! By keeping heavy, cumbersome items in your pack’s centre and placed up against your back you can prevent unnecessary stress on your spine and back muscles. It also keeps the load from being top or bottom-heavy, which is very awkward to carry. Your camp shoes can go in first, they are the comfortable sneakers you wear around camp to give your feet a rest from the hiking boots! Your cookstove, cookware, camping plates, plastic drink mugs, and cutlery can be placed in next, followed by your food supply, which is best to have organized by meal and day. Now it’s time for the tent, which you want somewhat near the top for quick access in the event you need to put it up in a hurry to shelter from a sudden foul turn in the weather.
The Pack’s Top – This is where the things you want to access fast should be placed. The most important item is a first aid kit that’s easily accessible so you don’t have to dig through your pack in an emergency. Your torch goes here, as does your rain gear for fast access when darkness falls or the rains come, which they tend to do when you least expect them! Add in your portable water filter, a full canteen for use on the trail, and your bathroom kit including a small spade, TP, soap, toothbrush, etc. Keep a bag of trail mix at the very top because hiking makes you hungry, and you will need to recharge along the trail!
Have a great time on your hike!